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[2016/09/06]   【專題演講-預告】1050920敬邀 淡江大學 化學系 陳曜鴻教授


生醫所105-1專題演講活動,敬邀 淡江大學 化學系 陳曜鴻教授進行專題演講


一、 演講時間:105年9月20日(星期二)下午1:10-3:00
二、 地      點:教研大樓G區5樓 525教室
三、 參與對象:本校全體教師、生醫所全體師生


      Aristolochic acid (AA) is a component of Aristolochia plant extracts which is used as a treatment for different pathologies and their toxicological effects have not been sufficiently studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate AA-induced anemia and nephrotoxicity in zebrafish embryos and in cultured human renal tubular (HK2) cells. After soaking zebrafish embryos in AA, the embryos displayed malformed kidney phenotypes, such as curved, cystic pronephric tubes, pronephric ducts, and cases of atrophic glomeruli. The percentages of embryos with malformed kidney phenotypes increased as the exposure dosages of AA increased. Furthermore, AA-treated embryos exhibited significantly reduced glomerular filtration rates (GFRs) in comparison with mock-control littermates (mock-control: 100±2.24% vs. 10 ppm AA treatment for 3–5 h: 71.48±18.84%~39.41±15.88%), indicating that AA treatment not only caused morphological kidney changes but also induced renal failure. In addition to kidney malformations, AA-treated zebrafish embryos also exhibited deformed hearts, swollen pericardiums, impaired blood circulation and the accumulation(s) of red blood cells. Whole-mount in situ hybridization studies indicated that the kidney is more sensitive than the heart to AA damage. Real-time PCR showed that AA can up-regulate the expression of pro-inflammatory genes like TNFα, cox2 and mpo. As to the AA-induced anemia, immunofluorescence staining experiments revealed that AA co-localizes with the EPOR in zebrafish embryos as well as in the cytoplasm of HK2 cells. After exogenous EPO stimulation, the EPOR was detected in the plasma membrane of HK cells. However, co-treatment with AA and EPO inhibited EPOR signaling and its membrane localization upon EPO stimulation. The results of studies with a protein synthesis inhibitor and a lysosome inhibitor revealed that AA accelerates the lysosomal degradation of EPOR. The molecular docking results suggest that AA may interact with the N-terminus of EPOR. These results support the following conclusions: (1) AA-induced renal failure is mediated by inflammation, which causes circulation dysfunction followed by serious heart malformation; (2) the kidney is more sensitive than the heart to AA injury; and (3) AA treatment impairs EPOR membrane localization, accelerates its lysosomal degradation, and consequently downregulates EPOR signaling by direct targeting. The results of this study may further detail the pathological mechanism of severe anemia complicated with AA nephropathy.





